Supplier Spotlight Series – Louvolite Fabrics

August 11, 2021
Welcome to the first of the twelve blog spotlights in this series on the suppliers we are proud to work with to serve you, our valued customers at Blind Technique! This week’s blog is shining a supplier spotlight on Louvolite who supply our pleated and roller fabrics for our flagship product – our handmade and so made to measure Conservatory Blinds. Louvolite is a UK blinds components and fabrics company with an engineering background and international reach; established in 1969. Louvolite offer a comprehensive, scientifically tested fabric range delivering fabric properties which can suit every style, taste and practical solution you may be looking for from your window dressings.
Louvolite’s fabric range includes SPC® – Solar Protective Coating, SPF™ – Solar Pearlised Finish, ESP® – Energy & Solar Protection, some are anti-glare, some are blackout fabrics and some are fire retardant. Please note that the Louvolite fabrics are mostly available as pleated fabric although over half the range is available for roller blinds with a few suitable for vertical and cellular blinds. Just like Blind Technique, Louvolite understand the technical and performance aspects of their products from an engineering and production point of view meaning their offer to market exactly meets the needs of their customers as they know just how to maximise the benefits of solar protection, temperature control and the conservation of energy within the home, office or commercial space.
Louvolite also understand and appreciate, just as we do at Blind Technique, that home design and the expression of individual personal style is also a vital part of the decision-making process when it is time to choose the right window dressing for you. When one of our friendly and professional sales advisors visits you for a surveying home appointment we bring with us all the fabric sample books we have to offer so you can see for yourself how we can help you create the style you are looking for or provide an integral accent of co-ordinating home design to your current theme. The fabric samples can be viewed in the book or alternatively they can be taken out and held up against the window or furniture to see the colour and texture in the actual lighting conditions you have at home. Louvolite also participate in a fabric sample service to offer to send out their fabric samples to valued customers just like you, free of charge. Louvolite’s dedication to offering an inspirational range of stylish fabrics means that you can also enjoy effortless levels of privacy, security, comfort and insulation whatever the weather and irrespective if you choose a simple modern block of colour to enhance your home or even create a statement look or feature within a specific room in the home.
From our long-standing supplier relationships, such as the one we enjoy with Louvolite, Blind Technique are genuinely placed as a blinds industry expert here in Eastcote, whom you can trust with all your practical and stylish requirements for all your custom blinds, shutters, awnings and curtains. Blind Technique know and appreciate that a new blind for your dining room or a full set of window dressings for the whole home is a considered investment of both your time and your business which we can reward with our expertise and that of our suppliers, from inspiration to installation and beyond.