
Roman Blinds vs Venetian Blinds: Which Is Right For My Home?

Romans Blinds vs Venetian Blinds?! How can you possibly choose? Well, one’s a long-dead empire and the other’s a much-beloved ice cream from my childhood which is staggeringly disappointing when eaten as an adult.

But when it comes to which blinds are right for your home, you’ll be wanting to express yourself, show off your taste to the world, or maybe you just want something practical to keep the light out of your face. And you may have different needs for different rooms and spaces. So come with me into the world of not all blinds, just two different types of blinds, specifically Roman vs Venetian blinds, to discover which, out of those two, are the right blinds for your home. Otherwise, we’ll be here all day.

Romans vs Venetians aka beauty vs practicality

I’m not saying Venetian blinds aren’t beautiful, with their real wood or faux wood or shiny array of coloured aluminium slats. It’s just that Romans are Charlize Theron and Venetians are Cate Blanchet – Not that Charlize isn’t versatile, of course, she is! And Cate’s gorgeous, of course, she is! I’m just saying these two Hollywood blondes … This is a very bad metaphor. Romans are much more like Viola Davis and Venetians are also just like Viola Davis.

Romans are beautiful, adding a touch of class to any room, just like Viola Davis would should she ever pop in for a cuppa. And Venetians are incredibly versatile, just like EGOT winner Viola Davis.

Romans vs Venetians score: 1-1

Romans Blinds vs Venetian Blinds aka adaptability vs speciality

Venetians can do almost anything, in any room. Need some light while maintaining some privacy? Venetian slats can be positioned at the angle that best suits your needs for that moment. With Venetians being so perfect for a variety of spaces, should you even bother with Romans? Of course, you should, especially if you don’t have to be practical. Instead, you get to sit back and enjoy the sheer luxury of Roman blinds.

For instance, perhaps privacy isn’t an issue if the room in question isn’t overlooked. You may even want a clear view of whatever lies outside your window, in which case, Roman blinds may be the beauty you’re after. As Romans gather at the top of the window, they need not block any of your view, depending on how much room you have between the top of the window and the ceiling. A Roman installed closer to the ceiling will cover less if any of your window when the blind is fully opened. When closed, especially if the Roman blinds have been installed outside of the window’s recess, these revealing blinds can also act as blackout blinds, completely covering the window, allowing for total privacy and darkness for a good night’s sleep.

This is a rare occasion where the Venetian blinds are pipped at the post. With all the holes for the cord, pinholes of light will always find their way through. The cord can be replaced by tape, but the Romans still win the blackout challenge.

Roman Blinds vs Venetian Blinds score 3-2

Romans vs Venetians: Romans take a beating

The kitchen and the bathroom are two rooms where once again practicality will win. With the dampness, the heat, the steam, the moisture, and the oftentimes extreme swings between hot and cold, it’s Venetian blinds’ time to shine. Faux wood and aluminium slats are the most durable blind material out there, with aluminium being resistant to warping too. Venetians are also easier to clean, especially in an environment where creams, lotions and potions are routinely sloshed around the place.

In the battle of Roman Blinds vs Venetian Blinds, the score is now 3-3

Roman Blinds vs Venetian Blinds – a call for peace with the best of both worlds

When it comes to the best blinds for your home, it will depend on the room and how the space is used. Ideally, you can have the right blind for the right space. For instance, if you have a kitchen-diner arrangement, Romans are going to look cosy and stylish in the dining area, while the resilient Venetians do all the hard work in the kitchen. Hopefully, you’ll be able to let each blind, whether Venetian or Roman, play to its strength.

And there’s no reason why Romans and Venetians can’t get along and share the same recess. You can double up and have Venetians to control the light and Romans for the beauty and the blackout. That way you can enjoy the light, the privacy, and the blinds, any way you wish.

Roman Blinds vs Venetian Blinds final score 4-4. There will not be a rematch.