Spring is traditionally associated with cleansing to refresh our environment – and so during this time, you may just start to discover how to update your home in other ways. We often hear our customers’ wishing to put ‘their stamp’ on their new home, so here at Blind Technique we can help you do just that and much more.
How to update your home – an example planning checklist
In order to meet your expectations if you wish to update your home, it can be helpful to make clear what it is you are trying to achieve with your proposed spend, from the outset.
Is it a refurbishment or a refresh? Setting the purpose can help you set your budget for the task(s) ahead.
Where do you spend the most time when you are at home? Which areas of the home do your family enjoy spending the most time together? Which room(s) do you regularly use for family celebrations?
When discovering just how to update your home, if it is a busy one, concentrate on what is most practically possible at this time of year, with the least disruption caused and so the least daily stress.
Which kind of updates would increase your overall level of satisfaction with your home? Is it about generating more space or would you like to make the current space more comfortable?
Focus on your priority list now and remember – you can find out just how to update your home in phases – budget and time permitting. Larger updates could be scheduled for the much longer summer holidays, at the end of the school year.
This is where Blind Technique, your local custom blinds industry expert, can help.
How to update your home – a custom blinds checklist
One of your update choices could be the purchase of a fresh set of custom blinds. Consider refreshing your home furnishings, too – lots of tips on individual key piece suggestions for different rooms in the house, here on our blog. Don’t forget our FAQ’s
Your home needs to work for you so you can return at the end of the day to sanctuary. With the inclusion of motorised custom blinds, you can operate them with ease on a daily basis. And as your window dressings often ‘frame’ your first impressions of the day ahead when you open them – ensure that this moment, at least, is a stress-free one.
Financial pressures abound for all of us, wherever we look these days. Empower yourself to make a considered investment in custom blinds which can deliver energy-savings benefits during every season, helping you run your household budget, that bit more efficiently.
Perhaps nod to the modern trends in terms of interior design regularly but remain mindful that the practical benefits of purchase should be timeless. Invest in quality key pieces which will not date and are well crafted with a high level of attention of detail at every step, by trusted experts in the field.
We can all browse for products online and try to install them ourselves. Is it really worth the risk? True economy is value for money – both in the short and longer-term. With bespoke you are across all the decisions – from design, size, fit, operation, cleaning and maintenance. At Blind Technique we share with you all the industry knowledge you need so you can make an informed choice – without the time pressure of a hovering mouse or a timed-out transaction.
At every stage of your plans on how to update your home, always consult. Discuss what is possible in terms of budget and timeframe. Project manage as much as you can before Day One of the updates start. Enjoy the inspiration and planning process as much as we enjoy the delivery and installation process!
Considering how to update your home? Contact Blind Technique
Wondering just how to update your home with custom blinds? Purchase both the perfect fit and the design of your choice – contact Blind Technique, today.
Visit our Eastcote Showroom and/or book a FREE Home Appointment with us at a date and time convenient to you.